Stereotactic Treatments (SABR/SBRT/SRS)

“Stereotactic” is a general term used for advanced techniques also referred to as SABR (stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy), SBRT (stereotactic body radiation therapy) and SRS (stereotactic radiosurgery).
Stereotactic treatments can be used to treat both primary and secondary cancers that are small and well defined, such as cancers located within the lung, brain and pelvis. These techniques aim to deliver a precise ablative dose to the cancer, whilst keeping doses to surrounding organs and healthy tissue very low.
These treatments are delivered with sub-millimetre accuracy using image-guidance, which allows for a higher daily dose of radiation to be given. Typically, the number of treatments ranges from 1-4 in total, which may be spread out over a number of days.
Your Radiation Oncologist will discuss these techniques with you if it is a suitable treatment option for your cancer.